Google Announces Location GIF and SMS Support for Hangouts



In this morning’s or afternoon’s depending upon where in the world you are Google+ event Vic Gundotra announced a major update to the Android Google Hangouts app is coming our way. Throwing up a slide at the presentation showing users top 3 most requested features Gundotra said Google has heard the requests and integrated them into the Android app. Android users will now be able to share location data with other people in a hangout. Hangouts will also properly handle and play a GIF file when posted.

The biggest and most requested feature though is Hangouts is getting integrated SMS support. This means Hangouts can become your go to app  for all of your messaging needs on Android. This is similar to the approach Apple has taken with iOS. Now whether you are using the application on your phone or tablet you can SMS messages to anyone in the world.

As with all Google app updates as of late expect a phased roll out to your devices over the next few days and/or weeks. Since your on Android you can always grab the .apk file and side load install the update as soon as it hits the interwebs.

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